Class visit to Thurgood Marshall Elementary

Creator/Writer Drew Dorenfest visited an incredible class of 9-10yr olds at Thurgood Marshall Elementary in Lynwood, CA. After meeting the class’ teacher, Mrs. Salazar at LA COMIC CON 2019, they set up a day for Drew to speak to her students about how one creates a comic book, the creative skills and collaboration that goes into making each page, took questions about finding inspiration and creative solutions, and lastly lead the class in a super fun comic strip making exercise. Using examples from Calvin & Hobbes, Drew showed that visual storytelling can be simple and playful and tell a whole story in 3-4 panels. The students absolutely WOWED Drew with their creativity and sense of humor. He inspired them to keep drawing, reading, and having fun with their imagination. Mrs. Salazar even informed Drew that some of the students were continuing to work on their comics during recess!! Class visits are such a joyful experience. The best days, truly. If you would like Drew to visit your class, feel free to reach out on social media!